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How planning can help in day to day management.

It is often observed that the team members are hesitant towards making weekly plans or some of you just prepare it for the sake of doing the activity, the weekly reports do reflect that. 

Today I would like to take the opportunity to share my thoughts on weekly plans, why is it so important. 

Planning is one of the important components when it comes to completing any task, occasion, event or celebration. Planning is inherent to humans as from our childhood we witness planning for birthdays, marriages, picnics or traveling out and lots more. So it comes naturally to us. 

But surprisingly for some reason planning at the offices for our day to day work lags behind, not considered of utmost importance for some. People find it hard to create plans for their work, the reason I believe is absence of active understanding as to how it can help. 

I would like to draw some points here, which may underline the importance of planning

  1. Whenever we go for planning it increases our productivity, it does not mean that we are working for more time but focus our energy on what matters most. 

  2. Work life balance is more important than ever in prevalent conditions where we are working at home, work life conflict can lead to serious physical and mental health issues. To state it over dramatically I’d say, “Plan your week or die”. 

  3. Planning also helps you to prioritize your work, a written priority of work helps to minimize uncertainties in current work and creating a pipeline for weeks ahead based on the priority of work. 

  4. A written plan also helps us to keep track of  work we have done and review the work and its pace, the areas which have consumed more time. 

Based on personal experience I can say plans put things in perspective, bring more clarity about the work, various dimensions related to it and finally, while reviewing the execution against plan can give us insight as to how we can improve our execution or what corrective or alternative approaches can be adopted. 
