We focus on frames of reference on the nature of employment relationship, and consider four broad alternatives:
Last Fall, workers at two popular
craft breweries in the Twin Cities (Fair State and Surly) announced their
intent to unionize. The CEO of Fair State responded by saying “I am
proud of the self-determination our team has shown by taking on the
responsibility of organizing to make Fair State better,” and Fair State became
the first U.S. microbrewery to unionize. However, Surly announced plans
to close its taproom two days later. Even if this had already been planned
due to pandemic-related financial losses, Surly certainly didn’t embrace the
unionization effort, and it remains nonunion.
If market conditions determine
human resources (HR) strategies and practices, such a stark difference is hard
to explain. In a recent paper, Dionne Pohler, Wei Huang, and I assert that
we also need to factor in the role of leaders’ frames of reference. A frame of
reference is a cognitive lens through which we perceive the world. When someone
says “labor union,” quick meanings probably come to mind; possibly, large,
bureaucratic organizations protecting lazy workers, relics of a bygone era, or
needed champions of social justice. This is because your brain has created a
mental map based on prior experiences, assumptions, and beliefs. This then
influences what you think is possible and desirable, perhaps subconsciously.
We focus on frames of reference
on the nature of employment relationship, and consider four broad alternatives:
The neoliberal-egoist
frame in which organizations and workers are seen as dispassionate
agents pursuing their own self-interest in economic markets that approximate
ideal competitive conditions, often with a view that work is lousy but serves
economic interests.
The unitarist
frame in which organizations and workers are seen as essential
partners who can both thrive when appropriate policies and practices align and
unite their mutual interests, which are often seen as psychological as well as
The pluralist
frame in which organizations and workers are seen as having complex
relationships in which they are each an important partner, but also that this
partnership is set against a backdrop of bargaining power advantages for the
organization which is important because not all of their interests coincide and
can be aligned, potentially leading to harmful inequities.
The critical
frame in which capitalist organizations and workers are seen primarily
as adversaries with opposing goals interacting in a world in which the dominant
group uses its deep-seated economic and social power to maintain its
advantages, systematically depriving the other of essential rights and
We assert that most
organizational leaders’ implicit views on the nature of the employment
relationship can be usefully categorized as largely falling either in the
neoliberal-egoist or unitarist frames. There can also be organizational leaders
whose inherent beliefs are more consistent with the pluralist way of thinking.
Central to our work is that we
assert that these views, even if subconscious, will influence what types of HR
strategies and practices organizational leaders will prefer and implement. That
is, neoliberal-egoist leaders will prefer transactional HR approaches,
unitarist leaders will prefer commitment HR approaches, and pluralist leaders
will prefer accommodative HR approaches:
Note that this dynamic can occur
at various levels within an organization. The top leadership of an organization
can have a certain frame that sets an overall HR direction, and then if
lower-level managers have the same frame, their implementation practices will
reinforce this direction. However, there are many ways in which
lower-level managers can shape the implementation of HR policies
consistent with their own frame. For example, a neoliberal-egoist manager could
act in an authoritarian fashion while denying development opportunities to
workers in a unitarist organization. So we admit that these relationships are
complicated, but nevertheless we believe that research needs to place more
attention on the importance of organizational leaders’ beliefs about the nature
of the employment in considering how HR strategies and practices are determined
and implemented.
But what about the critical
frame? The critical frame of reference sees the employment relationship as a
deeply unequal one rooted in socio-political-economic dominance by an elite
group, such as capital. A leader who holds this view could exploit this by
acting only in the organization’s interest without regard for employee
well-being. By dismissing employee welfare as something workers are themselves
responsible for, such a leader would be acting in a neoliberal-egoist fashion,
and would provide market-driven, take-it-or-leave terms and conditions of
employment. Instead, consider a business owner who sees the employment
relationship through a critical frame of reference but is bothered by the
inequalities that disadvantage employees rather than seeking to exploit them.
Through a critical lens, redressing these inequalities requires structural changes in resources and decision-making rights. We label leaders who have this perspective as “critical reformist” because of the implied need to reform traditional capitalist organizational forms by creating non-hierarchical organizations or alternative employment models that are characterized by a relatively equal distribution of resources and shared authority over decision-making between managers and employees. We label this a cooperative approach where “cooperative” indicates worker-owned cooperatives (e.g., Mondragon) and other multi-stakeholder organizational governance forms (e.g., Stocksy). And thus, we can add another row to table above:
To return to the opening example, Fair State is, in fact, a cooperative, and hence the CEO sees unionization as “one more step to building the business that we have envisioned from the beginning—one where workers and consumers each have a say and stake in a business, working together to build something beautiful and thriving.” The Surly leaders might not be surly, but with more of a unitarist mindset they did not embrace unionization. More generally, previous HR systems research has focused on archetypes—bundles or clusters of HR practices within organizations that are structurally determined, internally consistent, relatively stable over time, and documented across contexts. Our research seeks to highlight the important role leaders’ frames of references can play in influencing an organization’s HR approach, in addition to environmental, structural factors.