Going paperless with your hiring process is another great way to attract the environmentally conservative. Help your recruitment process. Help the earth. Go paperless.
has sprung, green is everywhere around us, and with summer on the way, I
thought it'd be a good time to approach "green" hiring
processes. Now that people are going paperless with their banking,
communications, and even retirement plans - why not hiring processes too? Most
industries have already made the switch to paperless but we still find the
manufacturing industry lagging behind.
benefits of going paperless are a-plenty. Let me share 3 of
them with you:
1. Freeing Up Office Space. How many of you have
ever had a position opening that collects more applications than you
expected? Normally a good problem to have, but where do those
applications go? Your desk. Additionally, regulatory agencies
recommend documentation of your applicant tracking for at least one year, which
could then be easily pulled using your online applicant
tracking database. Save yourself the space. Go paperless.
our clients express concerns that their entry-level candidates (mainly in manufacturing)
may not feel comfortable with computers or have ready access to
computers. These days, even if a candidate doesn't have access to their
own computer, there are plenty of other options for access to a computer, such
as a local library, employment office, community college, etc.
Additionally, a good system will come with comprehensive user instructions
designed to cater and teach individuals with low computer proficiency how to
complete the test. After all, computer proficiency is nice to have, but
unless that's the focus of measurement, should not detract from the
competencies of interest you are measuring in the assessment.
2. Reviewing Information/Scoring. When I used to teach
in an academic setting, one of the banes of my existence was hand-scoring
multiple choice item tests for a hundred students at once. The monotony
ensued, and to make matters more stressful, as I got through upwards of 70-80
in a sitting, I began to worry if my own human error became the difference
between two letter grades. No more of that, as technology can do the
scoring for you. Our assessments, as well as others, tabulate
responses with dynamic algorithms immediately and with no risk of human
error. Oh, and those applications you used to page through one at a time?
Our technology can filter that application for you. Save yourself the
time and stress. Go paperless.
3. Environmentally Friendly. One tree is about
80,500 pieces of paper. Running some numbers on my busiest clients, and
approximately 3-page applications, saved about twenty 60-feet pine trees last
year on employment applications alone. Using a rough approximation, our
"Fit" series of pre-screening assessments would run another 4-5 pages
per, and our in-depth inventories and technical tests likely between 20-80
pages. Organizations across the country are using "green"
initiatives as part of their marketing brand. Going paperless with your
hiring process is another great way to attract the environmentally
conservative. Help your recruitment process. Help the earth. Go